Security policy
In addition to drawing up a thorough health and safety policy, many organizations, including schools in particular, establish a Safety Policy.
On the basis of performance indicators, Security policy
In addition to drawing up a thorough health and safety policy, many organizations, including schools in particular, establish a Safety Policy.
On the basis of performance indicators, all aspects related to safety can be systematically monitored in a Safety Plan. This usually concerns:
1. Safety coordination
2. Occupational health and safety structure
3. Emergency response
4. External parties
5. Preventive measures
6. Risk Inventory and Evaluation
7. Rules of home and conduct
8. Undesirable manners
9. Information
10. Incidents and Calamities
11. Dealing with the media
If you would like to have a Safety Policy with accompanying Safety Plan drawn up, please feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.